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Testing with pytest

Tests are crucial to writing reliable software. A good test suite allows you to:

  • Immediately know if a new platform or software version works,
  • Refactor and cleanup your code with confidence,
  • Evaluate the effect of additions and changes.

Python used to have three major choices for tests; but now pytest is used almost exclusively. Testing is never an install requirement, so there’s no harm in using pytest. The goals of writing good tests are:

  • Simplicity: the easier / nicer your tests are to write, the more you will write.
  • Coverage: using as many inputs as possible increases the chances of finding something that breaks.
  • Performance: the faster the tests, the more situations you can run your tests in CI.
  • Reporting: when things break, you should get good information about what broke.

What about other choices?

The alternative library, nose, has been abandoned in favor of pytest, which can run nose-style tests. The standard library has a test suite as well, but it’s extremely verbose and complex; and since “developers” run tests, your test requirements don’t affect users. And pytest can run stdlib style testing too. So just use pytest. All major packages use it too, including NumPy. Most other choices, like Hypothesis, are related to pytest and just extend it.

Basic test structure

You should make a folder called “tests” in your repository (probably alongside your src or module folder, but rarely they are placed inside the module folder). Your files will be called test_*.py; pytest’s default discovery expects the word “test” to be in everything (yes, you can place tests alongside or inside your module because of this). This is an example of a test:

def test_funct():
    assert 4 == 2**2

This looks simple, but it is doing several things:

  • The name of the function includes test, so it will run as a test.
  • The Python assert statement is rewritten by pytest to capture exactly what happens. If it fails, you will get a clear, detailed report on what each value was.

Configuring pytest

pytest supports configuration in pytest.ini, setup.cfg, or, since version 6, pyproject.toml PP301. Remember, pytest is a developer requirement, not a user one, so always require 6+ (or 7+) and use pyproject.toml. This is an example configuration:

minversion = "6.0"
addopts = ["-ra", "--showlocals", "--strict-markers", "--strict-config"]
xfail_strict = true
filterwarnings = ["error"]
log_cli_level = "info"
testpaths = [

PP302 The minversion will print a nicer error if your pytest is too old (though, ironically, it won’t read this is the version is too old, so setting “6” or less in pyproject.toml is rather pointless). The addopts setting will add whatever you put there to the command line when you run; PP308 -ra will print a summary “r”eport of “a”ll results, which gives you a quick way to review what tests failed and were skipped, and why. --showlocals will print locals in tracebacks. PP307 --strict-markers will make sure you don’t try to use an unspecified fixture. PP306 And --strict-config will error if you make a mistake in your config. PP305 xfail_strict will change the default for xfail to fail the tests if it doesn’t fail - you can still override locally in a specific xfail for a flaky failure. PP309 filter_warnings will cause all warnings to be errors (you can add allowed warnings here too, see below). PP304 log_cli_level will report INFO and above log messages on a failure. PP303 Finally, testpaths will limit pytest to just looking in the folders given - useful if it tries to pick up things that are not tests from other directories. See the docs for more options.

pytest also checks the current and parent directories for a file. If it finds them, they will get run outer-most to inner-most. These files let you add fixtures and other pytest configurations (like hooks for test discovery, etc) for each directory. For example, you could have a “mock” folder, and in that folder, you could have a that has a mock fixture with autouse=True, then every test in that folder will get this mock applied.

In general, do not place a file in your tests; there’s not often a reason to make the test directory importable, and it can confuse package discovery algorithms.

Python hides important warnings by default, mostly because it’s trying to be nice to users. If you are a developer, you don’t want it to be “nice”. You want to find and fix warnings before they cause user errors! Locally, you should run with -Wd, or set export PYTHONWARNINGS=d in your environment. The pytest warning filter “error” will ensure that pytest will fail if it finds any warnings. You can list warnings that should be hidden or just shown without becoming errors using the syntax "<action>:Regex for warning message:Warning:package", where <action> can tends to be default (show the first time) or ignore (never show). The regex matches at the beginning of the error unless you prefix it with .*.

Running pytest

You can run pytest directly with pytest or python -m pytest. You can optionally give a directory or file to run on. You can also select just some subset of tests with -k <expression>, or an exact test with

If a test fails, you have lots of options to save time in debugging. Adding -l/--showlocals will print out the local values in the tracebacks (and can be added by default, see above). You can run pytest with --pdb, which will drop you into a debugger on each failure. Or you can use --trace which will drop you into a debugger at the start of each test selected (so probably use the selection methods above). pytest also supports breakpoint(). You can also start out in your debugger at the beginning of the last failed test with --trace --lf. See the docs for more running tips.

Guidelines for writing good tests

Time spent learning all the powerful tools pytest has to offer will be well spent! You can make your tests more granular, mock things that aren’t available (or are slow to run), parametrize, and much more.

Tests should be easy

Always use pytest. The built-in unittest is very verbose; the simpler the writing of tests, the more tests you will write!

import unittest

class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_something(self):
        x = 1
        self.assertEquals(x, 2)

Contrast this to pytest:

def test_something():
    x = 1
    assert x == 2

pytest still gives you clear breakdowns, including what the value of x actually is, even though it seems to use the Python assert statement! You don’t need to set up a class (though you can), and you don’t need to remember 50 or so different self.assert* functions! pytest can also run unittest tests, as well as the old nose package’s tests, too.

Approximately equals is normally ugly to check, but pytest makes it easy too:

from pytest import approx

def test_approx():
    0.3333333333333 == approx(1 / 3)

This natively works with NumPy arrays, too! Always prefer array1 == approx(array2) over the functions in the numpy.testing module if you can, it is simpler and the reporting is better.

Tests should test for failures too

You should make sure that expected errors are thrown:

import pytest

def test_raises():
    with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
        1 / 0

You can check for warnings as well, with pytest.warns or pytest.deprecated_call.

Tests should stay easy when scaling out

pytest uses fixtures to represent complex ideas, like setup/teardown, temporary resources, or parameterization.

A fixture looks like a function argument; pytest recognizes them by name:

def test_printout(capsys):

    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert "hello" in captured.out

Making a new fixture is not too hard, and can be placed in the test file or in

@pytest.fixture(params=[1, 2, 3], ids=["one", "two", "three"])
def ints(request):
    return request.param

We could have left off ids, but for complex inputs, this lets the tests have beautiful names.

Now, you can use it:

def test_on_ints(ints):
    assert ints**2 == ints * ints

Now you will get three tests, test_on_ints-one, test_on_ints-two, and test_on_ints-three!

Fixtures can be scoped, allowing simple setup/teardown (use yield if you need to run teardown). You can even set autouse=True to use a fixture always in a file or module (via You can have’s in nested folders, too!

Here’s an advanced example, which also uses monkeypatch, which is a great way for making things hard to split into units into unit tests. Let’s say you wanted to make a test that “tricked” your code into thinking that it was running on different platforms:

import platform
import pytest

@pytest.fixture(params=["Linux", "Darwin", "Windows"], autouse=True)
def platform_system(request, monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(platform, "system", lambda _: request.param)

Now every test in the file this is in (or the directory that this is in if in conftest) will run three times, and each time will identify as a different platform.system()! Leave autouse off, and it becomes opt-in; adding platform_system to the list of arguments will opt in.

Tests should be organized

You can use pytest.mark.* to mark tests, so you can easily turn on or off groups of tests, or do something else special with marked tests, like tests marked “slow”, for example. Just add -m <marker> when running pytest to run a group of marked tests. This is an expression; you can use not <marker> as well.

Probably the most useful built-in mark is skipif:

@pytest.mark.skipif("sys.version_info >= (3, 8)")
def test_only_on_38plus():
    x = 3
    assert f"{x = }" == "x = 3"

Now this test will only run on Python 3.8 or newer, and will be skipped on earlier versions. You don’t have to use a string for the condition, but if you don’t, add a reason= so there will still be a nice printout explaining why the test was skipped.

You can also use xfail for tests that are expected to fail (you can even strictly test them as failing if you want). You can use parametrize to make a single parameterized test instead of sharing them (with fixtures). There’s a filterwarnings mark, too.

Many pytest plugins support new marks too, like pytest-parametrize. You can also use custom marks to enable/disable groups of tests, or to pass data into fixtures.

Tests should test the installed version, not the local version

Your tests should run against an installed version of your code. Testing against the local version might work while the installed version does not (due to a missing file, changed paths, etc). This is one of the big reasons to use /src/package instead of /package, as python -m pytest will pick up local directories and pytest does not. Also, there may come a time when someone (possibly you) needs to run your tests off of a wheel or a conda package, or in a build system, and if you are unable to test against an installed version, you won’t be able to run your tests! (It happens more than you might think).

Mock expensive or tricky calls

If you have to call something that is expensive or hard to call, it is often better to mock it. To isolate parts of your own code for “unit” testing, mocking is useful too. Combined with monkey patching (shown in an earlier example), this is a very powerful tool!

Say we want to write a function that calls matplotlib. We could use pytest-mpl to capture images and compare them in our test, but that’s an integration test, not a unit test; and if something does go wrong, we are stuck comparing pictures, and we don’t know how our usage of matplotlib changed from the test report. Let’s see how we could mock it. We will use the pytest-mock plugin for pytest, which simply adapts the built-in unittest.mock in a more native pytest fashion as fixtures and such.

def mock_matplotlib(mocker):
    fig = mocker.Mock(spec=matplotlib.pyplot.Figure)
    ax = mocker.Mock(spec=matplotlib.pyplot.Axes)
    line2d = mocker.Mock(name="step", spec=matplotlib.lines.Line2D)
    ax.plot.return_value = (line2d,)

    # Patch the main library if used directly
    mpl = mocker.patch("matplotlib.pyplot", autospec=True)
    mocker.patch("matplotlib.pyplot.subplots", return_value=(fig, ax))

    return SimpleNamespace(fig=fig, ax=ax, mpl=mpl)

Here, we’ve just mocked the parts we touch in our plot function that we need to test. We use spec= to get the mock to just respond to the same things that the original object would have responded to. We can set return values so that our objects behave like the real thing. Using it is simple:

def test_my_plot(mock_matplotlib):
    ax =

    assert len(ax.mock_calls) == 6

        approx([1.0, 3.0, 2.0]),

If this changes, we immediately know exactly what changed - and this runs instantly, we aren’t making any images! While this is a little work to set up, it pays off in the long run.

The documentation at pytest-mock is helpful, though most of it just redirects to the standard library unittest.mock.