Table of contents

Classic packaging

The libraries in the scientific Python ecosytem have a variety of different packaging styles, but this document is intended to outline a recommended style that existing packages should slowly adopt. The reasoning for each decision is outlined as well.

There are several popular packaging systems. This guide covers Setuptools, which is the oldest system and supports compiled extensions. If you are not working on legacy code or are willing to make a larger change, other systems like Hatch are drastically simpler - most of this page is unneeded for those systems. Even setuptools supports modern config now, though is still also required for compiled packages to be supported.

Also see the Python packaging guide, especially the Python packaging tutorial.

Raw source lives in git and has a You can install directly from git via pip, but normally users install from distributions hosted on PyPI. There are three options: A) A source package, called an SDist and has a name that ends in .tar.gz. This is a copy of the GitHub repository, stripped of a few specifics like CI files, and possibly with submodules included (if there are any). B) A pure python wheel, which ends in .whl; this is only possible if there are no compiled extensions in the library. This does not contain a, but rather a PKG_INFO file that is rendered from (or from another build system). C) If not pure Python, a collection of wheels for every binary platform, generally one per supported Python version and OS as well.

Developer requirements (users of A or git) are generally higher than the requirements to use B or C. Poetry and optionally flit create SDists that include a, and all alternate packing systems produce “normal” wheels.

Package structure (medium priority)

All packages should have a src folder, with the package code residing inside it, such as src/<package>/. This may seem like extra hassle; after all, you can type “python” in the main directory and avoid installing it if you don’t have a src folder! However, this is a bad practice, and it causes several common bugs, such as running pytest and getting the local version instead of the installed version - this obviously tends to break if you build parts of the library or if you access package metadata.

PEP 517/518 support (high priority)

Packages should provide a pyproject.toml file that at least looks like this:

requires = ["setuptools>=42"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

This completely changes your build process if you have Pip 10 or later (you can disable it with --no-build-isolation in special cases, like when writing custom conda-forge recipes). When this file is present, Pip creates a virtual environment, installs exactly what it sees here, then builds a wheel (as described in PEP 518). It then discards that environment, and installs the wheel. This a) makes the build process reproducible and b) makes local developer installs match the standard install procedure. Also, c) the build requirements do not leak into the dev or install environments – you do not need to have wheel installed in your dev environment, for example - setuptools declares it needs it via PEP 517 (and only when building wheels!). It also d) allows complete specification of the environment that runs in, so you can add packages that can be imported in You should not be using setup_requires; it does not work properly and is deprecated. If you want to have source builds that work in Pip 9 or earlier (not common), you should have dev instructions on how to install requirements needed to run

You can also use this to select your entire build system; we use setuptools above but you can also use others, such as Flit or Poetry. This is possible due to the build-backend selection, as described in PEP 517. Usage of these “hypermodern” packaging tools is growing in scientific Python packages. All tools build the same wheels (and they often build setuptools compliant SDists, as well).

PP003 Note that "wheel" is never required; it is injected automatically by setuptools only when needed.

Special additions: NumPy

You may want to build against NumPy (mostly for Cython packages, pybind11 does not need to access the NumPy headers). This is the recommendation for scientific Python packages supporting older versions of NumPy:

requires = [

This ensures the wheels built work with all versions of NumPy supported by your package. Whether you build the wheel locally or on CI, you can transfer it to someone else and it will work on any supported NumPy. The oldest-supported-numpy package is a SciPy metapackage from the NumPy developers that tracks the correct version of NumPy to build wheels against for each version of Python and for each OS/implementation. Otherwise, you would have to list the earliest version of NumPy that had support for each Python version here.

Modern versions of NumPy (1.25+) allow you to target older versions when building, which is highly recommended, and this will become required in NumPy 2.0. Now you add:


(Where that number is whatever version you support as a minimum) then make sure you build with NumPy 1.25+ (or 2.0+ when it comes out).

Versioning (medium/high priority)

Scientific Python packages should use one of the following systems:

Git tags: official PyPA method

One more section is very useful in your pyproject.toml file:

requires = [
    # ...

write_to = "src/<package>/"

This will write a version file when you build from the GitHub repository. You get the following benefits:

  • No manual file to change with the version number - always in sync with Git
    • Simpler release procedure
    • No more mistakes / confusion
    • You can force a version with an environment variable SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION without source code changes.
  • A new version every commit (both commits since last tag and git hash encoded)
    • Binaries no longer incorrectly “cache” when installing from pip directly from git
    • You can always tell the exact commit of every sdist/wheel/install
    • If your working directory is “dirty” (changes/new files that are not ignored), you will get a version that indicates this.
  • SDists and wheels contain the version file/number just like normal
    • Note that reading the version number for the SDist requires setuptools_scm and toml unless you add a workaround to This is not required for wheels ( is not even part of a wheel).

If you want to set a template, you can control the details of this file if needed for historical compatibility, but it is better for new/young projects to use the default layout and include this in your

from ._version import version as __version__

In docs, there are a few minor tweaks necessary to make sure the version is picked up correctly; just make sure you install the package and access it from there.

The one place where the pep518 requirements do not get picked up is when you manually run, such as when doing python sdist 1. If you are missing setuptools_scm or possibly the toml dependency on old versions of setuptools_scm, you will silently get version 0.0.0. To make this a much more helpful error, add this to your

import setuptools_scm  # noqa: F401

If you want to create artifacts for use in-between versions, then you should disable shallow checkouts in your CI, since a non-tagged version cannot be computed correctly from a checkout that is too shallow. For GitHub Actions, use actions/checkout@v2 and with: fetch-depth: 0.

For GitHub actions, you can add a few lines that will enable you to manually trigger builds with custom versions:

        description: Manually force a version
  SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION: ${{ github.event.inputs.overrideVersion }}

If you fill in the override version setting when triggering a manual workflow run, that version will be forced, otherwise, it works as normal.

Make sure you have a good gitignore, probably starting from GitHub’s Python one or using a generator site.

You should also add these two files:


node: $Format:%H$
node-date: $Format:%cI$
describe-name: $Format:%(describe:tags=true,match=*[0-9]*)$

And .gitattributes (or add this line if you are already using this file):

.git_archival.txt  export-subst

This will allow git archives (including the ones generated from GitHub) to also support versioning. This will only work with setuptools_scm>=7 (though adding the files won’t hurt older versions).

Classic in-source versioning

Recent versions of setuptools have improved in-source versioning. If you have a simple file that includes a line with a simple PEP 440 style version, like version = "2.3.4.beta1", then you can use a line like this in your setup.cfg:

version = attr: package._version.version

Setuptools will look in the AST of for a simple assignment; if that works, it will not actually import your package during the setup phase (which is bad). Older versions of setuptools or complex version files will import your package; if it is not importable with the pyproject.toml requirements only, this will fail.

Flit will always look for package.__version__, and so will always import your package; you just have to deal with that if you use Flit.

Setup configuration (medium priority)

You should put as much as possible in your setup.cfg, and leave for only parts that need custom logic or binary building. This keeps your cleaner, and many things that normally require a bit of custom code can be written without it, such as importing version and descriptions. The official docs are excellent for setup.cfg. Here’s a practical example:

name = package
description = A great package.
long_description = file:
long_description_content_type = text/markdown
url =
author = My Name
author_email =
maintainer = My Organization
maintainer_email =
license = BSD-3-Clause
license_files = LICENSE
classifiers =
    Development Status :: 4 - Beta
    Intended Audience :: Developers
    Intended Audience :: Information Technology
    Intended Audience :: Science/Research
    License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
    Operating System :: MacOS
    Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows
    Operating System :: POSIX
    Operating System :: Unix
    Programming Language :: C++
    Programming Language :: Python
    Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12
    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.13
    Topic :: Scientific/Engineering
    Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis
    Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics
    Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Physics
    Topic :: Software Development
    Topic :: Utilities
project_urls =
    Documentation =
    Bug Tracker =
    Discussions =
    Changelog =

packages = find:
install_requires =
python_requires = >=3.9
include_package_data = True
package_dir =
zip_safe = False

where = src
# Not needed unless not following the src layout
# exclude =
#     tests
#     extern

And, a possible; though in recent versions of pip, there no longer is a need to include a legacy file, even for editable installs, unless you are building extensions.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2020, My Name
# Distributed under the 3-clause BSD license, see accompanying file LICENSE
# or for details.

from setuptools import setup


Note that we do not recommend overriding or changing the behavior of python test or python pytest; the test command through is deprecated and discouraged - anything that directly calls assumes a is present, which is not true for Flit packages and other systems.2 Instead, assume users call pytest directly, or use nox.

If you need to have custom package data, such as data stored in one place in the SDist structure that shows up in another place in the package, then replace include_package_data with an options.package_data section and a mapping.

With the exception of flake8, all package configuration should be possible via pyproject.toml, such as pytest (6+):

junit_family = "xunit2"
testpaths = ["tests"]

Extras (low/medium priority)

It is recommended to use extras instead of or in addition to making requirement files. These extras a) correctly interact with install requires and other built-in tools, b) are available directly when installing via PyPI, and c) are allowed in requirements.txt, install_requires, pyproject.toml, and most other places requirements are passed.

Here is an example of a simple extras, placed in setup.cfg for a package called package:

test =
  pytest >=6.0
mpl =
  matplotlib >=2.0

And a complex one, that does some logic (like combining the requirements into an “all” extra), placed in

extras = {
    "test": ["pytest"],
    "docs": [
    "examples": ["matplotlib", "numba"],
    "dev": ["pytest-sugar", "ipykernel"],
extras["all"] = sum(extras.values(), [])


Self dependencies can be placed in setup.cfg using the name of the package, such as dev = package[test,examples], but this requires Pip 21.2 or newer. We recommend providing at least test, docs, and dev.

Including/excluding files in the SDist

Python packaging goes through a 3-stage procedure if you have the above recommended pyproject.toml file. If you type pip install ., then

  1. Source is processed to make an SDist (in a virtual environment mandated by pyproject.toml). This SDist bears a .tar.gz file format.
  2. SDist is processed to make a wheel (same virtual environment).
  3. The wheel is installed.

The wheel does not contain setup.*, pyproject.toml, or other build code. It simply is a .zip format archive with the .whl suffix and has a simple mapping of directories to installation paths and a generic metadata format. “Installing” really is just copying files around, and pip also pre-compiles some bytecode for you while doing so.

If you don’t have a, the “legacy” build procedure will skip the SDist step, making it possible for a development build to work while a published PyPI SDist could fail. Also, development mode (-e) is not covered by this procedure, so you should have at least one CI run that does not include the -e (pip 21.3+ required for non-setuptools editable installs).

The files that go into the SDist are controlled by, which generally should be specified. If you use setuptools_scm, the default should be all of git; if you do not, the default is a few common files, like any .py files and standard tooling. Here is a useful default, though be sure to update it to include any files that need to be included:

graft src
graft tests

include LICENSE pyproject.toml setup.cfg
global-exclude __pycache__ *.py[cod] .venv

Command line

If you want to ship an “app” that a user can run from the command line, you need to add a console_scripts entry point. The form is:

console_scripts =
    cliapp = package.__main__:main

The format is command line app name as the key, and the value is the path to the function, followed by a colon, then the function to call. If you use as the file, then python -m + the module will also work to call the app.

  1. You shouldn’t ever have to run commands like this, they are implementation details of setuptools. For this command, you should use python -m build -s instead (and pip install build). 

  2. Actually, Flit produces a backward-compatible by default when making an SDist - it’s only “missing” from the GitHub repository. This default behavior is changing, though, as there’s much less reason today to have a legacy