Table of contents
Writing documentation
Documentation used to require learning reStructuredText (sometimes referred to as reST / rST), but today we have great choices for documentation in markdown, the same format used by GitHub, Wikipedia, and others. This guide covers Sphinx, and uses the modern MyST plugin to get Markdown support.
Other frameworks
There are other frameworks as well; these often are simpler, but are not as commonly used, and have somewhat fewer examples and plugins. They are:
- JupyterBook: A powerful system for rendering a collection of notebooks using Sphinx internally. Can also be used for docs, though, see echopype.
- MkDocs: a from-scratch new documentation system based on markdown and HTML. Less support for man pages & PDFs than Sphinx, since it doesn’t use docutils. Has over 200 plugins - they are much easier to write than Sphinx. Example sites include hatch, PDM, cibuildwheel, Textual, and pipx.
What to include
Ideally, software documentation should include:
- Introductory tutorials, to help new users (or potential users) understand what the software can do and take their first steps.
- Task-oriented guides, examples that address specific uses.
- Reference, specifying the detailed inputs and outputs of every public object in the codebase.
- Explanations to convey deeper understanding of why and how the software operates the way it does.
The Diátaxis framework
This overall framework has a name, Diátaxis, and you can read more about it if you are interested.
Hand-written docs
Create docs/
directory within your project (i.e. next to src/
). There is a sphinx-quickstart tool, but it creates unnecessary files (make/bat, we recommend a cross-platform noxfile instead), and uses rST instead of Markdown. Instead, this is our recommended starting point for
from __future__ import annotations
import importlib.metadata
from typing import Any
project = "package"
copyright = "2025, My Name"
author = "My Name"
version = release = importlib.metadata.version("package")
extensions = [
source_suffix = [".rst", ".md"]
exclude_patterns = [
html_theme = "furo"
html_theme_options: dict[str, Any] = {
"footer_icons": [
"name": "GitHub",
"url": "",
"html": """
<svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M8 0C3.58 0 0 3.58 0 8c0 3.54 2.29 6.53 5.47 0-.19-.01-.82-.01-1.49-2.01.37-2.53-.49-2.69-.94-.09-.23-.48-.94-.82-1.13-.28-.15-.68-.52-.01-.53.63-.01 1.08.58 1.21 1.87.87 0-.87.31-1.59.82-2.15-.08-.2-.36-1.02.08-2.12 0 0 .67-.21 1.32-.27 2-.27.68 0 1.36.09 2 .27 1.53-1.04 2.2-.82 2.2-.82.44 1.1.16 1.92.08 1.27.82 2.15 0 3.07-1.87 3.75-3.65 1.48 0 1.07-.01 1.93-.01 2.2 0 . 8.013 0 0 0 16 8c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8z"></path>
"class": "",
"source_repository": "",
"source_branch": "main",
"source_directory": "docs/",
myst_enable_extensions = [
intersphinx_mapping = {
"python": ("", None),
nitpick_ignore = [
("py:class", "_io.StringIO"),
("py:class", "_io.BytesIO"),
always_document_param_types = True
We start by setting some configuration values, but most notably we are getting the package version from the installed version of your package. We are listing several good extensions:
is the Markdown parsing engine for Sphinx.sphinx.ext.autodoc
will help us build API docs via reStructuredText and dynamic analysis. Also see the package sphinx-autodoc2, which supports Markdown and uses static analysis; it might not be as battle tested at this time, though.sphinx.ext.intersphinx
will cross-link to other documentation.sphinx.ext.mathjax
allows you to include mathematical formulas.sphinx.ext.napoleon
adds support for several common documentation styles like numpydoc.sphinx_autodoc_typehints
handles type hintssphinx_copybutton
adds a handle little copy button to code snipits.
We are including both possible file extensions. We are also avoiding some common file patterns, just in case.
For theme, many scientific packages choose the pydata-sphinx-theme. The Furo theme is another popular choice. The site can be used to compare options.
We are enabling a useful MyST extension: colon_fence
allows you to use three colons for directives, which might be highlighted better if the directive contains text than three backticks. See more built-in extensions in MyST’s docs.
One key feature of Sphinx is intersphinx, which allows documentation to cross-reference each other. You can list other projects you are using, but a good minimum is to at least link to the CPython docs. You need to provide the path to the objects.inv
file, usually at the main documentation URL.
We are going to be enabling nitpick mode, and when we do, there’s a chance some classes will complain if they don’t link with intersphinx. A couple of common examples are listed here (StringIO/BytesIO don’t point at the right thing) - feel free to add/remove as needed.
Finally, when we have static types, we’ll want them always listed in the docstrings, even if the parameter isn’t documented yet. Feel free to check sphinx-autodoc-typehints for more options.
file can start out like this:
# package
:maxdepth: 2
```{include} ../
:start-after: <!-- SPHINX-START -->
## Indices and tables
- {ref}`genindex`
- {ref}`modindex`
- {ref}`search`
You can put your project name in as the title. The toctree
directive houses your table of contents; you’ll list each new page you add inside that directive.
If you want to inject a readme, you can use the include
directive shown above. You don’t want to add the README’s title (and probably your badges) to your docs, so you can add a expression to your README (<!-- SPHINX-START -->
above) to mark where you want the docs portion to start.
You can add the standard indices and tables at the end.
pyproject.toml additions
Setting a docs
extra looks like this:
docs = [
"myst_parser >=0.13",
"sphinx >=4.0",
While there are other ways to specify docs, and you don’t have to make the docs requirements an extra, this is a good idea as it forces docs building to always install the project, rather than being tempted to install only Sphinx and plugins and try to build against an uninstalled version of your project.
In order to use to build, host, and preview your documentation, you must have a .readthedocs.yaml
file RTD100 like this:
# Read the Docs configuration file
# See for details
version: 2
os: ubuntu-22.04
python: "3.12"
- asdf plugin add uv
- asdf install uv latest
- asdf global uv latest
- uv venv
- uv pip install .[docs]
- .venv/bin/python -m sphinx -T -b html -d docs/_build/doctrees -D
language=en docs $READTHEDOCS_OUTPUT/html
This sets the Read the Docs config version (2 is required) RTD101.
The build
table is the modern way to specify a runner. You need an os
(a modern Ubuntu should be fine) RTD102, a tools
table (we’ll use Python RTD103, several languages are supported here).
Adding a sphinx
table tells Read the Docs to enable Sphinx integration. MkDocs is supported too. You must include one of these unless you use build commands RTD104.
Finally, we have a python
table with an install
key to describe how to install our project. This will enable our “docs” extra. additions
Add a session to your
to generate docs:
def docs(session: nox.Session) -> None:
Build the docs. Pass --non-interactive to avoid serving. First positional argument is the target directory.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
"-b", dest="builder", default="html", help="Build target (default: html)"
parser.add_argument("output", nargs="?", help="Output directory")
args, posargs = parser.parse_known_args(session.posargs)
serve = args.builder == "html" and session.interactive
session.install("-e.[docs]", "sphinx-autobuild")
shared_args = (
"-n", # nitpicky mode
"-T", # full tracebacks
args.output or f"docs/_build/{args.builder}",
if serve:"sphinx-autobuild", "--open-browser", *shared_args)
else:"sphinx-build", "--keep-going", *shared_args)
This is a more complex Nox job just because it’s taking some options (the ability to build and serve instead of just build). The first portion is just setting up argument parsing so we can serve if building html
. Then it does some conditional installs based on arguments (sphinx-autobuild is only needed if serving). It does an editable install of your package so that you can skip the install steps with -R
and still get updated documentation.
Then there’s a dedicated handler for the ‘linkcheck’ builder, which just checks links, and doesn’t really produce output. Finally, we collect some useful args, and run either the autobuild (for --serve
) or regular build. We could have just added python -m http.server
pointing at the built documentation, but autobuild will rebuild if you change a file while serving.
API docs
To build API docs, you need to add the following Nox job. It will rerun sphinx-apidoc
to generate the sphinx autodoc pages for each of your public modules. additions
def build_api_docs(session: nox.Session) -> None:
Build (regenerate) API docs.
And you’ll need this added to your docs/
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: API
Note that your docstrings are still parsed as reStructuredText.
Notebooks in docs
You can combine notebooks into your docs. The tool for this is nbsphinx
. If you want to use it, add nbsphinx
to your documentation requirements, add "nbsphinx"
to your
’s extensions =
list, and add some options for nbsphinx in
nbsphinx_execute = "auto"
nbsphinx_execute_arguments = [
nbsphinx_kernel_name = "python3"
You can set nbsphinx_execute
to always
, never
, or auto
- auto
will only execute empty notebooks. The execute arguments shown above will produce “retina” images from Matplotlib. You can set the kernel name (make sure you can execute all of your (unexecuted) notebooks).
If you want to use Markdown instead of notebooks, you can use jupytext (see here).